
Pupil Attendance and Punctuality

Whitley Chapel CE First School believes that all children should take maximum advantage of the opportunities offered to them in school, to enable them to reach their full potential. Being at school on time and every day is crucial to a child maximising their potential. 

Along with attending school every day, being punctual is extremely important and in fact an essential life skill. We encourage our children to come to school on time each day. Our lessons start straight away after registration at 8.50 am and school finishes at 3.20 pm. If children are regularly late they will miss vital learning time each day. This can then add up to a significant amount of learning time lost within a half term. If there are children who are repeatedly late we will contact the parents and carers to establish reasons for this and we will work together to resolve the issues.

If your child is unwell, has an appointment or cannot attend school for any reason it is really important that you let school know as soon as possible. Attendance of every child at Whitley Chapel CE First School is closely monitored and followed up with a phone call if the absence is unexplained or prolonged. We aim to not let the attendance of any child fall below 95p% - if this happens we have a meeting to establish what the issues are and how we can help to ensure attendance improves.